Eric Owens
@EricGĀ Ā·Ā 0:38

These Five Things Will Change Your Life

These five things will change your life. Sometimes the universe does you a favor by not giving you what you wanted. Number two give yourself permission to step away from anyone or anything that is not good for your mental health. Number three what is meant for you will not pass you by. Number four one day, all of your hard work will pay off. Number five never quit, never surrender

#spotlight #ask #advise #voices #weekend #inspiration

grace pouri
@gracepouriĀ Ā·Ā 1:04
And that's what leads to number four, which one day it will all pay off. That's the problem with so many people, I noticed. Everyone always tries to rush things and tries to bypass certain time lapses, that they should be waiting for something to change and happen in their life because they think it doesn't happen, it discourages them. But these five things will change your life. You're right
Isabella Croston
@isabellaaĀ Ā·Ā 1:04
And it just brings me more comfort to think and remember that there is something potentially better coming along and I just need to wait and keep working hard for it. Another thing that I really liked on that list too, was letting people go. Because sometimes it can be hard, but if it swell end up benefiting you, then you should definitely take those steps to do that for yourself, because it'll just end up being worth it in the end