Eric Owens
@EricG · 2:09

Wellness in Aviation PART II

I'm happy to now share with you a conversation with my friend who served with me at Mcdilly Air Force Base when it was attack fighter base hosting the F 16 Viper. His name is Bill Holme who currently flies right seat with JetBlue Airlines. First, let me tell you about his background. Bill is a retired Chief master sergeant in the Air Force. He has flown both the F 16 Viper and the F 15 Eagle. While serving, he served as a maintenance supervisor while stationed in the US

#Aviation #Pilots #MentalHealth #AskSwell #technology #news #voices #AskAnExpert #AskAQuestion #SwellInterview

Eric Owens
@EricG · 0:28

#Aviation #Pilots #MentalHealth #Ask Swell #technology #news #voices #AskAnExpert #AskAQuestion

Okay, Bill, so here is my first question for you, and you can provide either a short and sweet answer or you have up to five minutes to reply. If you want to go into a little more detail. How do you cope with the stress and pressure associated with flying, especially during challenging weather conditions? Or long haul flights? Or even short haul flights like domestic flights and
bill holm


And I had the timer going, and we turned out on the runway. And as soon as the throttles came up, timer was gone. It was complete. We had it finished in. I think we had like 5 seconds to spare. We just have to stay in the procedures, and we want to get all those people and many of your listeners off to where they're going, but we need to do what's right and follow the rules
Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:03

#Aviation #flying #pilots #mentalhealth

I know that before you to get anywhere near the gate and go down the walkway there to the plane and start doing your thing, getting it ready and Presleying and all that, I know you're checking weather and filing flight plans, that sort of thing. So thanks for going into that comprehensive mantra. It's funny you had mentioned fatigue, because that was going to be my next question. So here's the the next question. So, question number two