Eric Owens
@EricG · 5:00

How To Show You Are a Leader

These traits precede the title, not the other way around. I recently did a talk at a local toastmaster in my town where I live and the audience was a mix of local business owners, students and entrepreneurs. Whenever I talk about leadership, I always take a top down approach to solving the problem. I spend about an hour talking about the differences between being a manager and being a leader. And I basically cover the ten steps to show how you can be a leader

#AskAnExpert #leadership #mindset #LeadByExample #EmpowerAndInspire #Saturday #voices

Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:12
Now, here's the question for you guys. In what ways have you shown that your leader work? Hit that reply button and let me know. I'd love to start a conversation. Thanks so much for listening