Great Sunday Chill Music-Shuggie Otis

It was released in 1974 and it really is his most minimalist work to date. At the time he was in his early twenty s and he did most of the production and everything by himself. He's such an incredible genius when it comes to song crafting. He really employed all these great elements of funk, soul, RMB, blues, rock and a lot of these songs were used using a maestro rhythm king drum machine which really lends to the chill nature of that

#swellsunday #music #chill #relax #greatsundaychillmusic

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:46
Hey, thanks for the information and the backstory behind this. I can tell you're very passionate about it and what a fun way just to kind of let it all out there, let your just heart go for a minute and share your knowledge and wisdom. I've never heard of the artist or the album, but I definitely listened intently with every word you said because it was new information, right. And more so, I could tell that you were passionate about that information information
Andrés Herrera
@entropyinmotion · 1:20


Hey, thanks so much for the response and the encouragement really means a lot, especially due to the fact that it's all about pointing people to some great music and great artists that maybe they've never heard of. So thanks again for your response and actually talk more in depth about this album on my podcast, the Decibel's Deep podcast. I think it's somewhere in the first five episodes or so. And no, this isn't some kind of shameless plug. It really isn't