@EnigMa23 · 3:20

I discovered a new favorite place when I...

This is my first ever prompt on swell. So here goes. I discovered a new favorite place when I delved into me. It was a chance that I chanced upon a while back how I have been living alone since the past three days now as my family is out on a tour. So as I was searching for answers for certain things, I looked inside and found that there is a place of peace within me which I had been searching for for a long, long time

#sdp24Mar27 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 0:20
You rightly said that everybody has his or her place scenery where he or she can get a kind of relief. I totally agree with
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:24


And it's really refreshing to hear people delving inside, venturing inside, introspecting and finding this, you know, tapping into the parts of themselves that they haven't earlier. So I'm just, you know, going to tag him along with this reply. I really would like for him to listen to this swell and listen to what his perspective is on this
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@EnigMa23 · 1:16
I definitely am going to listen to his prompt and like you said, his take is similar of my take on the favorite place so I will definitely tune into that again. I mean, I don't know what to say more but I'm just just grateful to you. Thank you so much
@EnigMa23 · 0:30


Thank you so much Rakeshi for listening and liking my prompt. It's really encouraging for me that you have replied here and told me how you felt about it. So thank you so much. Let's stay in touch and to keep listening. Thank you so much once again
So yes, I do agree, going by Manu's Manus take on this prompt and my take on the prompt is very much similar and there may be many more who feel the same because out of my experience, once you realize this Zen state like you mentioned, this actually you don't feel like or nothing material or what you can see from eyes. Your eyes is going to overshadow the blissfulness and the joy that you have attained while traveling inside
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 1:10
I see myself as a character in acting out this role of life, and I am the audience, viewing myself acting the life out. So for me, discovering favorite places, it's like being an audience in a theater where I'm watching my own life play out on stage. So thank you for sharing. I really love your perspective. I'm going to give it a try myself. So thank you for sharing. Love hearing
@EnigMa23 · 1:16


Hello, Sarita. Thank you so very much for taking your valuable time out and listening to my swell. I am really humbled and thankful to you for your encouraging words. They really mean a lot to me. Please keep them coming. I also loved the way you explained your perspective by way of theater and audience. It's really unique. I also admire your voice a lot. It's very unique, very different. And the way you narrate your stories, that's very calming and soothing
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 0:28


Hi, Manuji. Thank you. You're really kind. Yeah. Let's stay connected because I love hearing posts and unique thoughts. This is a really great platform and it's giving an opportunity for me to touch base with my creative style side of me, which I haven't pursued for a very long time. So thank you once again