A Deep Question: Where Will Humanity Be In Twenty Five Years?

What is cooking? Everybody? I have another deep question for you all today. That will be an expansive question with many, many different opinions on it, but it's something that I'm really interested in, and I would love to hear y'all's take on it. So the question today is, where do you see humanity being, human culture being in 25 years, and how do you think we will change as a species?

#swellteam #swellcast #DeepInquiries #humanity #culture #society #philosophy #innovation #technology #AI

So trauma response due to kind of the atmosphere of this country and really all across the globe, there's so many troubles that are seemingly present, even as each and every individual has times of joy or times of bliss. So where will humanity be? I think we're moving towards detachment from each other. I think that the individualism has really driven a wedge in relationships within our society
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:34
Again, feeding back into my very first thing is these corporations that are monopolizing, if we switch from oil and gas and coal companies monopolizing the industry on energy to solar, wind and water doing the same thing, we're not changing, right? So I'm a proponent for moving into sustainability while decentralizing the ultimate control and the benefit. I want to see the middlecraft class growing and not being shrunk. I want to see that wealth is being more evenly distributed
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 4:55
And of course, I very quickly thought of the Apple Watch or our little handheld computers that we keep in our pocket to take selfies and text grandma and things like that. But as far as 25 years from now and what I think now, I'm no future thinker, but I think with a reasonable amount of logic and deduction, there are a handful of ideas that I think we can safely assume are on the horizon
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 2:04
And it's this kind of artificial boom that's spread out not just in America, but across the entire world with end of World War II right when everybody started to open up their countries for trade and we started to interact with each other more on a deeper level. So yeah, yeah, I love that picture. I love that response and I definitely want to continue this conversation ty, potentially you and I could I'm going to follow you