I can't even tell you the producer because I just dealt with so many songs. I'm really having trouble with remembering certain things because of my past. Right. The stuff that I've endured. I'm a United States Marine, and music to me, for me, it's an outlet of escaping a lot of my trauma. And you can kind of hear a little bit of it in this home

More Mafiareturns.com and snippets of album release

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:14
This is cool. This is a cool way to, like, sort of tease your album or, you know, give us a little snippets without revealing it all, just kind of putting it in the background. I like that. I was, like, trying to listen sometimes to see what I could pick up from. But I was also interested in what you were saying
Indigo Traveler
@HealingTraveler · 1:29

#therapuetic #arts #healing from #trauma #musictherapy

We have some sound therapy workshops as well, and I think that you're on the right path. I hope it helps you. I will continue to drop in and listen to your swell and yeah, best of luck to you. Thank you for sharing what you had, and I will listen in later. Ciao