
Good morning. Swell podcasters and swell listeners. My name is Darlene. Hello Friday. Today's topic I just want to talk to everybody about what you are actually feeling fabulous about


Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:29


Well, that's hard. Fabulous is a big word. You have to just feel it. You can't fake it. What am I feeling fabulous about? Okay. I am feeling fabulous about the fact that I have my health. And that's amazing. I'm healthy be. Never take that for granted. Ever, ever. Bye
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:39
You. Hi, Darlene. And hello. Friday. Happy Friday to you too. I am feeling fabulous because it is Friday, it is the end of my work week and not only am I going into the weekend, but I am going into twelve days of vacation. So I am sitting here patiently waiting for 430 to show up on the clock so that I can punch out and speed out of the parking lot. So that is what I am feeling fabulous about today. Thank you for asking
Briana Garcia
@breegarcia · 0:40

#HelloFriday #TGIF #FeelingBlessed #FeelingGood #NewToSwell

Good morning, Darlene. Hello, Friday. I am feeling fabulous about the fact that I do not have to physically go into the office today, that I get off at 330, so that's an hour earlier than usual. And I'm feeling fabulous about the fact that the weekend is upon us, and that means that there is a break coming. So I am just grateful and happy and excited for that