What was your first year as a supervisor like?

And so I'd like to hear from some of you about what that transition was like for you. For those of you that moved into management, if you can think back to that first year that you were a manager or a supervisor or in leadership, what was that like for you? What are some of the challenges that you experienced? What helped you to get over that hump? Or did you decide to go back into your prior type role that was non supervisory, which a lot of people do

#BossStories #Leadership #Supervisor #Management

Joshua Jack
@jj430 · 4:03

Advice For New Managers.

Hey. So I actually am glad that I came across this. This is actually a loaded discussion, but I do want to just mention some things that I did take away from it. So I myself have twelve years experience as a manager going on this year. So I definitely pretty much want to say that I've seen it all, I've heard it all
Lee Lee
@ILEAc22 · 4:59

#Support #Buildskills #Training #Guidance

And so I said to myself, here's an opportunity at this young age where if I take it now, it could open many doors and avenues to me as I advanced in my career. So taking on this new role, I'm just going to keep it real. I was sort of harassed and discriminated against by someone appear or not even appear. I was a supervisor, but I was defeated to say nonetheless