Living in the wilderness

When we first came to this mountain retreat, we lit with kerosene and a twelve volt car light hooked up to an old car battery. Our initial cabin was 365 sqft for two adults and five children. Now that may sound like a small place, but when you consider the thousands of acres of living room and den, you start following the kids down those long trails into God knows where. The results are more of a trip inside your own spirit

#sdp24Apr11 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dobbsty

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:20
Hey, Robert. What an incredible journey, man. I listened to this twice because I just couldn't get over how the experience and the wisdom that you're gathering out there. I wanted to listen to any fine, particulate details that I missed on the first time. But I am absolutely looking forward to hearing more about your story, so please don't hold back and share, share, share. Thank you