Sayge Sol
@DivineTimeGodis · 5:00

Deus Ex Machina: Finding the God Within

So I just wanted to share that. And also I wanted to share this other part for anyone who is out there also wanting to tap back into your passion and find your creative spark again. I don't talk about it a lot, but my background is writing and music. But it started with writing. And all this time that I've been away, music and writing have been like, almost pushed back into my life

#rant #oracle #divinemessages #highercalling #spirituality

Sayge Sol
@DivineTimeGodis · 4:49
Yeah, it brought me right back to the passion of my passion of writing. Like everything that's been happening in my life for the last few weeks, you know, going in a month now, has all been helping me to return back to my source because I would ask questions, you know, like, am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing? Am I really allowing myself to reconnect to my purpose?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:52
Hey. I think it's amazing that you had and have a level of awareness to be still and to embrace what you were feeling, the sensations, the thoughts, the imagery, to align it with what the message was articulating to you and for you to act on that, that is definitely a powerful and much needed skill set. Right. Just to evolve as humans and to move about this life as humans. Congratulations to you, and may it continue to lead you to what's within you