The #1 Enemy to Success and Abundance Is….. | Read This Book To Defeat The Enemy & Succeed In Life

When fear is effectually and completely destroyed, your light will shine, the clouds will disperse, and you will have found the source of power, energy, in life. Now, my take on that is if you can get past the whole solar plexus thing, if you understand what the solar plexus is, good

Part 2 discusses the different forms of this enemy #lawofattraction #swell #fear #health #wealth #relationships #happiness

Devski Grene’
@Devski_Grene · 5:00
You all right? We are back on w three three radio, and we have been talking about the enemy of fear that is based on the master key system. So as I mentioned in the last swellcast, I will be spelling out the different fears. And according to Napoleon Hill, who is very famous for his book think and grow rich, and this book has been on the book list of many successful entrepreneurs, creatives, etc
Devski Grene’
@Devski_Grene · 0:52
It. Oh, and by the way, I would really appreciate any feedback that you have about this particular swell cast. And if you have any questions about anything that I said, feel free to post them. And so, yeah, I'm just trying something new out, trying to go in a different directions, actually, multiple directions. But yeah, any of your feedback is definitely appreciated. It will be acknowledged, and I will respond to every single question