Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesĀ Ā·Ā 2:00

#AskAnExpert : NO LIMITS | communication specialist and scientist : Alex Dainis, PhD, Stanford

First, swish with some salt water to select cheek cells from inside your mouth. Next, stir in just a little bit of dish detergent. This is going to break apart the membranes of the cell so that that DNA can come out into the salty solution. And that salty solution is going to neutralize DNA's charge, making it harder for it to stay dissolved in water. So where is it going to go? Into the cold isopropyl alcohol that you can pour on top

#womenInScience @alexdainis #DBPconvo

Alex Dainis
@alexdainisĀ Ā·Ā 2:36

#space #genetics #biology

I love that I've been welcomed by the space biology community to be able to talk about that. The other space that I truly love talking about and love developing ideas and content and conversations around is food science. Food is so intrinsically tied to our communities and our cultures
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesĀ Ā·Ā 1:18

@alexdainis genetics of babies in space

Hey, Alex. Welcome to swell. It's so funny that you mentioned genetics in space because one of the other ways I was going to title this was like, do our genetics change when we're in space? But I wanted to keep this more broad. So I do want to talk a little bit about procreation in space. It's come up in my brain because that's my brain. So what do you think about this?