Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 1:45

ARE YOU MULTILINGUAL? Tell your story here - Megan loves you!!

And when you know different language, you know a different culture, you have empathy towards that group of people because you're speaking in their milieu, you're getting their vibe. It shows respect for other cultures. It fosters connection. We are so excited to think about this as a community, to say, how did you learn multiple languages? Who taught you what voices are in your heart and head that speak those languages?

Mega Alubicki Flick, ed.d. Speaks about the power of multilingualism #TEDspeaker #DBPconvo #secondlanguage

Megan A Flick
@meganaflickย ยทย 4:45
So students who come from homes where a language other than English is the primary language spoken or utilized. So what's my message to the world? Let's see. I guess really it's that multilingualism matters, and it matters for the individual person, but also for communities and for cultures because it really opens us all up to more experiences and more opportunities and connections. I guess I would say that's my message. What does it look like? How is it playing out in my career?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 1:07


You can sit inside very important meetings with the Department of Education, department of Culture, um, and really talk about how to change the vibe of this country, I guess starting with systemic shifts from the school systems, where focuses shift just enough to make multilingual lingualism a thing. So can you give me a bit of a sense of what you would do? Like a punch list?
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Megan A Flick
@meganaflickย ยทย 3:06


So I guess if it were up to me, we would be instituting robust dual language programs around the country. There's different types of dual language programs, but the general gist is that students enter these programs speaking one language, and then in the program, they develop their academic knowledge, and concurrently, they're developing their ability to listen, speak, read, and write in two languages proficiently. And research shows that these programs work
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesย ยทย 1:41


Do you think on some subliminal level we are picking up that language, or am I just imagining it? What do you think in general about foreign language films as teachers for us to indulge in language, at least from a sonic perspective?