PASSION FRUIT… I’m giving it some love

I just love the little seeds and the flavor and it's really fragrant. It's also really high in some important things. It's got vitamin C for sure, which is great for you. What else can I find out about passion fruit? Hold on. I'm looking at the benefits, the health benefits. It's good for wow. Only 17 calories. 9% of your daily value of vitamin C. That's amazing. It's got things for people who deal with what is this saying?


Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 1:19
You. I love passion fruit. And I've only had like, up until a few years ago, I've only passion fruit. Im love things, and I didn't really understand where it came from. And I've seen passion fruit in the store, and I was like, what do you do with this? Then maybe eight years ago now, I went to California and stayed at a bed and breakfast in San Diego
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:44
It's the kind of fruit that I'm like how always this is too good to also be good for you to be healthy and beneficial. But it is, and it's perfectly named. So, yeah, thank you for sharing. And, yeah, amazing. Congrats on growing passion fruit. That's just so cool
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Katharine Coles
@katharine.coles · 0:39
Oh, my God, deborah, that sounds so good in every way. The sound of your slurping and also your description of the fruit. I love passion fruit, and I am now not sick with envy, but full of envy that you can actually grow these beautiful fruits just outside your house. I love where I live, but we have real winter year and we cannot grow passion fruit
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:13


Hey, Catherine. I was just gifting somebody a passion fruit tonight, and I was saying to her that she's from the Midwest, and she was talking about just how crazy delicious they are. And I was thinking, like, how amazing it is, absolutely to be in a climate that could allow these vines to kind of go dormant during the winter, but not not die from the frost. So I really am really aware of how lucky I am