#AskAnExpert | Are you hooked on Instagram? Tim Smits can help you

And I'm fascinated by the fact that this is both an app, but it's also a little toggle, a little key that you can hold and you have to have in order to open up apps that you say keep me away from that app. So this is really about our physical relationship to the apps that are sucking us in and sucking life out of our souls. Tim, thank you for being here. I'm really excited to have a really robust conversation with you and the community

Tim Smits #ethicaltech #apps #innovation #DBPconvo @timsmits

Tim Smits
@timsmits · 4:00

How Unpluq got started, what are your most distracting apps?

And also TikTok was on a rise, which even boosted the algorithmic and problematic overuse of social media because the algorithm of TikTok is so well designed that it's even more addictive and it's even harder to stop scrolling. So that's a short introduction of how implic got started. On one end, I'd be super interested to hear your own experience with distracting apps. What are some of your most distracting apps and how do you try to deal with it? I can also share
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:05


Do you feel like you have a place in the ecosystem of education to teach kids at a very young age about a product like Unplugged so they can take responsibility, do it's? Like almost like saying don't drive while drunk, don't use your phone without a product that's going to help you be safe with it?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tim Smits
@timsmits · 3:21


They choose to have a different approach where they let the children guide themselves, which is, I think, in the end, also the better way to help people to change their behavior, not by fully restricting, but by giving controls to the individual themselves. So I really love that example and yeah, next to that, Adam, also, thanks for your thoughts and reply. I love the idea of seeing Unplug as kind of an extension of your immune system, of your attention
Tim Smits
@timsmits · 1:31

Any more questions about digital wellbeing?

But, yeah, I was also interested to hear if there's any tools that help you to reduce screen time and if any other people still want to join in the conversation, ask me any questions about how started digital well being in general, why we think it's important, et cetera. I'm here. All right, goodbye