So how much work can you actually take on to still be efficient and give your customers the experience that every other customer should have? And looking at it from the idea that if you are building this business, you're probably going to need some more time to put processes in place, you're going to find different challenges and unique challenges you're not used to. So you need to allow time for that

#business #management

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:54

#business #finances #growth

Hey Dan, thanks for this response. I definitely agree with a lot of what you're saying. The getting the infrastructure in place is the biggest thing. I am about to launch a new business and I'm super excited about it. It's got a lot of potential. It's a funny you should mention marketing. It's actually a marketing production company that is in the umbrella of my current, um, production company that is more widely based in photo and video