After all, it's not an answer not only for the recipients, but also for me. Yes, I'm genius. I have learned not to bother about my creature or miss multiperters. After personality speaks louder than appearance. Yes, I'm changing. Nowadays, I don't bother if my eyebrows are not done or fine lines are showing on my forehead after the beauty of my soul shown the beauty of my face. Yes, I am changing

#life #motivation #changes #adaptaion #happiness #selfreapect #truth

shilpee bhalla
@Shilpi-Bhalla · 0:12
Hello. Good morning, sir. It's a nice poem, seriously. And you please keep it up and write this kind of poetry always. I really like your poetry
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:31
Hello, Apurva WA. What a wonderful way to start a Monday morning. Such an optimistic and positive message. And I think it comes from a space that is acceptance of all the changes that are, that will be and how we continuously keep evolving. And it's beautiful, so wonderful to hear this and wish you a happy go ahead
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Apurva M
@CuTeStVaMpIrEz · 0:14


So for such a nice comment. And, yes, I believe acceptance is the first step to moving forward for a happier life. Thank you