Pecking order: Discriminating Experiences, did you react, was it worth it?

I have seen discrimination from educators who I feel should know better with the level of experience and the degrees they have, and yet they treat people around them to be so small, and they hold themselves up to a pedestal and treat people in a very unfavorable light. I've seen the discrimination between men and women over and over again because of my very traditional rural upbringing

Chickens inspire a discussionon on dicriminating experience you’ve witnessed or experienced. #discrimination #unfair #race #gender #economic #chickens

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:31


I think that's an easy place to look just in terms of I work with a bunch of wonderful emancipated foster youth who are I'm working with them on job interviews. And as I speak with them about their fear of interviewing and the story people might tell about them and not being good enough for the person to consider them for the job. I see a lot of perceived senses of, like, I belong on the ground and these people belong in the high chairs there
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:46
And it's interesting how people will look at you, especially like if you're in a store and someone is verbally attacking you and children are looking at you like, how carey you going to respond. And some people come from that place where they're just going at it and some people just like, you know what, I'm just going to walk away. And people feel like, oh, you should have handled that different
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 5:00
She was like, all of them are men except the woman. Look what role she has. And I said, I really honestly haven't paid attention. I said, she's like administrative assistant, right? She said exactly. Bingo. So you have a whole of men in these prominent titles for the Mastermind, but the only female, the only white female that's up there is the secretary, the glorified secretary. This is a brilliant genius of a woman. And you know what?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:00
I said, I guess you didn't change your mind. Cause I kept going him on with that. And he didn't really say nothing to me again, but that to me was just it just bothered me, man. And then it got featured. So that's another thing that bothered me
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:53

@DBPardes @Luchianna @Her_Sisu@FryedOreo

But that yeah, I've noticed that I've also become numb to certain experiences that you're sitting around the table and you know there's something wrong by the dynamics of the people, but you are so accustomed to it that it's not a big deal, and it should be a big deal. I mean, there should be a diverse group of people around any platform. And how sad that the traditional masculine roles took place and that this woman was so content to be in this administrative role
Cheryl Hill
@BkQue · 4:55
Oh, my. Here your chickens in the background. I'm an accidental landowner. I have a small farm, and my adult children are really starting to get into establishing things out there on the farm. And a chicken coop is one thing that we've endeavored to do. I'll have to ask you about that later in another swell, or either send you a private message. Anyway, back to the subject of your posting. Yes, I have experienced discrimination
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:25


First and foremost good for you for taking something that you knew in your heart of hearts to be discrimination and not tolerate that language. School districts, I swear to notorious for it and I don't even make you feel better. I'm not trying to lessen your story, but I've witnessed things like that in the school district. I remember interviewing for a district and knowing that I was extremely qualified for the position
Cheryl Hill
@BkQue · 4:56
I've seen so many instances, and I agree with you, whereby the best person isn't hired for the job, the person that can bring about the most results for the children, the results of excellence for the children, isn't a person hired for the job. It's somebody who they know through a relative, through a higher up. Nepotism is widespread in a lot of instances in other areas of industry, I'm sure
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDee · 4:51

@countryswell Love the Chickens! I am the Protector 💯

That it's not this one way street of an egomaniac with no consequences or regard for anybody else's power base in a room in an educational setting. So that's one of my passions. And students give me feedback that I'm their favorite teacher because of boundaries. And I'm not just Nice and Nike like, I'm massively into positive reinforcement because that's how people learn
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 4:51

@SeekingPlum @FryedOreo

And they were going to try and at least keep one of those things away. So I thought that was kind of ironic. I have had guys talk over me and mansplain and stuff like that, but I don't know if I consider that really discriminatory because I think guys are just conditioned to be that way toward women. And so I'm not sure I really consider that, but hi again. And I guess that's my take on your question
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:51


I mean, as a you know, as a bartender, when I was young and I was tall and I was blonde, and I had things going on for me when I was younger, and I can look back at that and be like, oh, I don't hardly remember that woman anymore. But when I was working as a bartender, I used to get olive
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 1:02
Oh, God, Carrie, you made me laugh. You know, when I posted that after I hit post, you know, to actually publish it, I thought, oh, no. I mean, her name is country swell. There's chickens in the background. She must have this huge garden. And I just said, the Brussels sprouts are disgusting. So when you said, I have an argument, I was like, oh, my God. No, it's coming
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 0:19


Well, I'm glad we've both established that we can have good humor over Brussels sprouts. It's been a pleasure having this conversation with you, and I truly look forward to more. And I hope you are having a wonderful, wonderful day. Thanks again. Good
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:34
I send someone is that I want them to remember that all these hateful people, there's someone that people out there that still care. So I hope I answered that pretty well. I like the soap, and I even heard the roosters in the background. I like the fact that you have roosters. I think that is so cool
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 3:51


What does it matter what sex you are? Yeah, I'm a human and I like sex. I had a coworker say that to me the other day. I just laugh, but it's so true. Why maybe there'll be a day when we can just all not have to worry about what boxes we're checking and just be whoever the h*** we are and be loved and liked and appreciated and respected for that. Wouldn't that be great? Thanks again for your contribution
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:58


The very first day I'm there, he's trying to let it be known. First of all, I could probably bench press him. I'm just going to be honest about that. But the first day, I guess he was trying to exude his dominance. I'm a quiet person. I'm not a scared person. I'm a quiet person. I'm there to do my job. I'm going to leave. I'm not shy
Mark Cox
@FreeVoice · 5:00
Hi Carrie. I think that your topic here is super fascinating and I would say that there is one that is a topic that is very important as well. The place that I've seen discrimination most prevalent in recent days that's been in the area of political views you mentioned. And even I was talking with a friend about this and they mentioned to me how they very, very quickly have a judgment call made
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:59


I literally had said to someone not that long ago that watching, you know, political debates or discussions about one party versus the other is like watching Survivor. And the fact that you said that, I was just like, wow, boy, we're on the same thought process here. So I thank you for that. And sometimes I'm thinking, is it because as American society, we have grown to love these reality shows particularly? I don't I don't know why people watch them