After the Rain -original poetry Carey Lynn Braidt

I would love to have you join me and experience more of the photography and rural landscape that inspires. Here is my writing for now. This is Carolyn Bright signing off blessed and full of gratitude and thank you for joining me at Countrieswell

#nature #poetry #natureinspired #aftertherain #sunset #creativewriting #photography

Donnett Emakirun
@Donnie_Jam · 0:46


Hi, Carrie. Such a beautiful poem, and I love the visual of the poem and the picture on the wood. I especially like the burnt edges of the paper. I don't know how you got the poem to have that edging around the paper, but that is beautiful. And the words are also very nice. I write poetry myself, and it's not necessarily inspired by nature. Some of it is, but I write about a lot of different things. But this is very beautiful
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 1:04
Hi, Carrie. Wow. First of all, I just absolutely adore the, like, extra sounds that you have in the background of both of your swells that I've listened to. I'm curious. Are you just, you know, sitting outside and all that's coming in in it just sounds so loud and clear and just really puts me wherever the h*** you are. So beautiful, and I really appreciate it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 2:30


So I'm glad that was so well received and really appreciate your feedback and thank you for the compliments. And this has really just been my first week or so here and I'm really delighted by this swell community and learning the ropes, and it's just great to connect and hear all the wonderful voices and thoughts and ideas. It's been really impressive. Thank you so much. You're
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 2:50


Thank you so much. Your compliments are really appreciated. And, you know, being a creative soul and reaching with your work and then hearing feedback, it's just so rewarding. Very often you put stuff out there and don't necessarily hear from people. And this format has just been really great, and it's just encouraging me to continue in my writing and my art and my just creative activities that are kind of full circle and then capture the different interests that I have
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:44


Yeah, I agree. Spell really is such a diverse place. Like, you should go to a page like yours and get poems and beautiful nature sounds in the background and then another place and hear someone doing their music or a meditation or just all kinds of stuff. So I'm loving it as well. And I love the photo of your angry red rooster. He totally does look super angry. I've never seen yeah, but perfect description for the photo