Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:57

The POWER of rejection!!

We have to learn how to shake it off and move on from that point. Now, women, on the other hand, when they get rejected, it's like they go and they just question themselves about everything and more. So when they get around each other, whether it's their girlfriends or even like, you know, maybe some of the men in their family, they'll ask, like, do I look that bad? What's going on with this? What's going on with that?

Use it as a positive, and not a negative power!!

LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 4:30
And so the energy you expend in taking any kind of consideration into those particular rejections for when people play numbers games with individuals or jobs or just life decisions, can be absolutely confusing, confounding, and a waste of time. And I'm not saying in some regard, a critical analysis of getting feedback from a source that you trust, that you pursued with intention is bad. That's a good thing
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:53
There are people out here who are serial killers, people out here into sex trafficking. And so just because we meet somebody on an app or we meet somebody on the street and they look good, or we wish it could be something else, the reality is, God knows what's really going on with that person, and so they're rejecting. You. Could be a lifesaver, right?
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:03


I guess being rejected actually was a good thing because maybe I wouldn't have met this person to that person later on down the line. So that's basically what I was saying. That's how sometimes you have to use it as, like, as a strength and not as a weakness. You want to try to use it as, like, a powerful thing and have power over it instead of looking at the rejection itself as of just being rejected altogether
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:27


So, you know, I definitely have become more of a firm believer that he puts people in your life for a reason, whether it's to learn a lesson or whether it's to just move on, you know, with that person and you both taking the same ride together for a while. So again, that's what I get out of it. And even now, I don't get accepted to everything
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:45
And I'll meet someone who is important to them where they don't just give their world to everybody, because it's not for everybody, you know, it's not. And there's some people who are willing to share their goodies. Not me. I'm not sharing nothing. Not sharing nothing. If I'm with somebody that's mine, and hopefully they're with me, I'm theirs, you know? But the world has changed, and people do poly relationships
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 4:33
And I would just actually, before a person even got a chance of telling me the truth, loved them so hard so quickly because how my brain is wired that I didn't even get a chance to feel rejected before I was a cloister. Not to say it was anyone's fault, it was just how the world was built. But I started asking myself a singular question when I feel rejected, and that's this