Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:22

Ways that you know a "man" is interested in you!!!

I would definitely love to get some feedback on this, especially from the women, you know, the ones that are in relationships or they're married or, you know, they have admirers or whatever the case is. You know, what did they see and the men that were interested in them and what made them accept them in regards to being a part of their life. But those are just a few things that I could think of off the top of my head

Just a few things……

LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 4:48
Especially if that's not a part of your history, to engage with someone who can do that part for you, and you do that and allow you to do that for them, and that's where that vulnerability comes in that you're talking about. And they could stand in that vulnerability and not take it back. Yeah, that sounds like the one. That's it. That's it. I'm so glad you brought this up. Take care. Bye
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:51


So, yeah, that's the man that God built for me, and I appreciate that. I thank God for that. And it took a long time to find him. Why didn't find him? Because it's a good thing if a man findeth a wife, not if a wife findeth a husband. He found me. But anyway, thank you for this
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:04
When it was time to, you know, to be like couples or whatever, if you want to say that I did not have an insecurity, you know, he made me feel so comfortable and I realized that and he didn't. He grew up pretty much, he's from the streets, I sort of say, or the hood, however you want to say that
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:25


What really stuck out to me was when you talked about how, you know, you like men that, you know, pretty much inquisitive in regards to, like, you know, them asking you questions, trying to get to know you. That stuck out to me because I know even with being inquisitive, you know, there has to be a certain cutoff point, you know, with that
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:11


Hey, good morning, lady fee. How you doing? Al Cosby, as always, say, stay blessed and keep inspiring. As always, thank you for taking the time to listen to this well, and thank you for your reply. And that was definitely a beautiful story
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:06


And at the same time, whatever you decide to work with is what you decide to work with. But if you can, as long as you're able to still hold your head up and, you know, be more than just civil and cordial toward each other, then that's a good thing as well, too. I mean, you know, and it's interesting because God puts people in our lives for whatever the reason is
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:27
And I go through this initial scan, you know, right away, most of the time, my relationships are our business relationships. And, you know, sexuality doesn't come into it. But I wanted to go back to your question here. Interested in you in a sexual way, in a friendship way, in a companion way, in a temporary way. So that goes back to my, my thoughts on motives
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:00


And even when you use the word old, you said, because maybe you're old, it's like, it's not even, you know, age has nothing to do with it. I'm gonna definitely say more. So life experience. So just with life experience, based on what you're going through, you're able to pat not only, excuse me, not only pass down that wisdom to others, but more so just, you know, see things