Dana Breeding
@coachdan · 1:16

Releveing stress

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for Coach Dan. Hi. Guys, this is coachDan Today I'm going to talk to you about stress. The best ways to break stress. One thing that could really stress you is junk. Keep it to the minimum. To relieve stress, try something you enjoy, such as listening to music or reading a book. Each day, take three very deep breaths and slowly release each one. Use the special time and place to become free

How to releave stress to make life much more enjoyable

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:49

#stress #relax #advice

Hey, Dana. Love the messages. Love the indication or the recommendation, I should say, to create a space where you can begin to feel that calmness and peacefulness. I feel like that's maybe one of the biggest pieces of advice you can give to anybody who's looking to de stress and feel less stressed in general is creating the neuropathways to associate a certain dedicated space in a home or a room to be a space where you come to kind of sit in relaxation
Dana Breeding
@coachdan · 0:28


Hey, Dobsie, this is Coach Dan. You know, thanks for the excellent compliment. Took me a little bit of time to get back to you because I've just had so many things going on. But it was nice to hear from you and stay tuned for more to come. I'm doing another show today. Actually, it's 03:00 today. That will be on relationships. Talk with you soon and hope you enjoy your day. Thank you. Bye