How to spend a lazy afternoon...

And I wish every afternoon in my life comes such so called lazy afternoon where I can do and accomplish my most important tasks and goals so that I add value. And every day I inch towards my success to achieve my goals. So this is just a brilliant thought I feel to adopt to accomplish more. Thank you for listening to my show

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Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:53
Hey, Chinme, that's definitely a very. In a very conscious effort to make your afternoons productive, which I definitely admire. When people make such conscious efforts, when people are mindful that their day is productive and they end up completing the tasks they have allotted to themselves or, you know, they are meant to complete because they have been allotted those tasks by someone else, for example
Chinmaya Mishra
@cm_dset10x · 1:07


Hey Aysani, it is very nice to hear from you your thought and I wish you slow down certain weekend afternoons maybe and do something different. Or at least you reduce the total number of activities that you supposed to do, which will basically reduce your number of thoughts as soon as you reduce the activities. And this will basically give you the breather and the space for thinking and for yourself, at least psychologically, you will be in an advantageous position