Hi, everybody. I'm going to go way outside my lane today because I am with my friend Michelle, and we are driving to Sedona, Arizona, from California, to an event called the Gathering of Shamans. It's not published in the media as a big deal, so you might never have heard of this unless you are into such things. One of the parts of this is the option to do what's called fire walking or actually walking in bare feet over hot coals, I believe

#shaman #firewalk #fire #personalGrowth #spirituality

Arish Ali
@arish · 0:40

@ChristineGrimm Fire walking is part of Muharram festival in India https://s.swell.life/STdPlU6ATwaFJJQ

But this actual act of walking on hot coal is something that's done every year by a bunch of devotees. So just wanted to share a link, a YouTube link to that
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 2:32


What a coincidence. Christine so I was also driving today around 520 odd kilometers. But unlike you, I was doing it solo. I did not have anyone for company. Nonetheless, this is a very interesting question that you put out there. And before I answer it, let me just say that it is as much an art and science to it than just the act of putting skin to fire. And have you ever heard about the concept of liquid nitrogen in your palm?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


And I remember being told at one point I was going to be in there for, I don't know, something like 2025 minutes. And I using imagination and compartmentalization, it felt like I had been done in only two minutes. I thought he was lying to me. And he's like, no, we're done. And I was shocked. I've had biopsies done while I was awake on my neck. My thyroid there
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:00


Christine, thank you for inviting me to this. I'm really interested in people's responses because there's science to this, as we've learned, and there's tradition and there's just this deep I don't know what, river of voices that come to mind of people that have done this for thousands of years as a rite of passage. All these voices are like, I mean, from all cultures, I think, too, as we're finding out in this thread
Christine Grimm
@ChristineGrimm · 4:48

@DBPardes @michele_NCLLC

And so that was compelling to me, because, as you all know, if you've listened to my other swells around work, career choices, being happy in how you spend your day, all of this, to me, I think, is compelling and some of it profound. So I'll stop talking and wait for Michelle to tell everyone her great story about the firewalk. And on another thread, I'll tell you about one of my mind blowing experiences. Okay, bye
michele calderigi
@michele_NCLLC · 1:59

#firewalking #lifejourney

You. Hey, everybody. So this is Michelle, Chris's friend, and I went with her to the gathering of the shamans in Sedona. And I wanted to report that I did done fire walk. I learned from Heather Ashamara, and it was life changing. So the process of learning how to do it was a little bit nerve wracking because you don't know what you don't know. And all you know or you think you know is that fire burns
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:07


Michelle, first of all, congratulations. I know it's a big deal, and you talk about that feeling of getting the draft from other people's energy to push you through. And I know it's not about pushing through. It's about truly dropping in and being part of the experience. And I think there's a metaphor here, and I think that's what and Christine was leaning into a little bit, what does walking through fire really mean for people?
michele calderigi
@michele_NCLLC · 1:23


But secondly, and maybe more importantly, is internally understanding that your body actually knows better than your brain does. So relying on your body and listening to what your body is telling you, whether you call it your intuition or your gut or whatever that is, but trusting that and having faith in it is what I think I walk away with as the most powerful lesson for me. Great question and thanks