Volunteer Not A Victum❗️My public confession of how through deep, inner self work ive realize how I caused such emotional carnage and my apology

I can offer to any female or any person in that other room or woman who's crossed paths with me and has been a victim of my ego driven, sexually deviant behavior with little regards to emotional and spiritual repercussions towards her and myself. I am sorry and I do apologize with no expectation of anyone's forgiveness or pity. And I apologize for all the men that may not realize this, who haven't, who don't, and who probably won't for a long time. I get it

#Volunteer #Victum #Karmic #Healing #Innerself #Growth #Accountability #EgoDeath #Integrity #Ascending #Rooted #Grounded #Flow #Centered #Equilibrium

Jack .
@zejacques · 2:46


So thank you for just speaking your mind and speaking truthfully and also just acknowledging the women out there that might be causing pain to men. There is a reason for that. We all have to take personal responsibility. But at the same time, if there's a problem with a group of people, where does that problem stem from? Instead of just pointing the blame at that group of people? And this happens to women a lot. So thanks man. I appreciate you


I'm not the most attractive guy either, but whether it was karma, whether it was karmic ties, whatever the case was, I've been busy, you know, and I out of ignorance, out of not knowing, they say, you knew better, you do better. And I've done some damage, man, and I'm genuinely remorseful. Like, I feel bad, and I apologize to all women that have been done wrong, that are still being done wrong at the same time