Chloe Kaminskas
@chlomonsta · 4:42

What is your response to "What are you doing with your life?"

So definitely a very difficult question to answer. But at the end of the day, I feel like, whatever I end up kind of doing, and I feel like that changes pretty often. At this point. I think it's going to work out. And I feel like, with a lot of life, there's definitely obstacles, like courses that I've just been like, okay, because originally, I was like, you know what I really want to do?

#Life #college #growingup

Niki Ebrahimnejad
@N1kkums · 2:59
You should probably also do something like that, and it feels like we have to do it for the sake of just having to do that, which definitely takes away a lot of what these kind of inventions are all about. Yeah, I don't know where I was going to go with this, but I like the question of are are you doing with your life? Definitely depends on what stage of life you are at
Oscar K
@OKRL · 3:30


They've had job opportunities, or they've had success in some fields. And it's intimidating because maybe when I was younger and I would look up at people who are my age now 1920, I would look at them and be like, okay, well, they're grown ups. They're in College. It's okay that they're doing it