Its ok to be silent : you must rest to replenish your soul

And all the gift that you feel that you receive from above, it won't be there to do what you were assigned. So tonight is a reminder take the time to sit to yourself, to talk to yourself, to write to yourself, to journey by yourself, whatever it takes. Take that time so that you can heal and be ready for the next journey that God is going to give to

#selfhelp #empath #healer #life #journey #heal #growth #godsgift

Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:48
So I prefer to be silent. I don't have personally my life is open, even though I'm very private person, but the life is open. For example, I do not shut my mind that I don't want to hear anything from anybody, close my door or rock my phone. My phone is on twenty four seven. I have a big family in Africa, in Europe, in the United States, some states
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:49
Sometimes I do feel like people need me more than they're available for me. And I think about it and then I'm like, no, I'm not going to change who I am. So thanks for verifying that. And silence is talking. Actually, it is a form of language, because when you're silent, that means something too. Have a good night
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

R. Porchia
@Block24Media · 1:52


This is an amazing message, and I think it's important and imperative that a person takes time for themselves. Right. Every morning I get up, I go to the beach. It's just a normal part of my routine. I go out there and I have some me time. I don't want to be bothered during that time. The phone is off. Whatever was heavy on me from the day before, I leave, it all there. Right
Magenta Deveraux
@AKAMagenta · 5:00

#bequiet #scropio #introvert #loudpeople #bashful #talkingtoomuch

For me, as a water sign, I'm a scorpio. I need peace and quiet. I thrive on it. I'm an introvert. I have mental health issues. I am somebody who can be up in her bedroom all day long. Do not enter my space. Do not come into my boundaries. I'm so glad and grateful for the new place that I live in, where I have this huge bedroom where I can just be on it, on my own, my bathroom, everything