Natural hair care advice do you have any?

Hey, swell. I hope everyone's doing wonderful today. So I am actually doing a spiel about natural hair care products. I am looking for a product that is going to moisturize my natural curls. I have very kinky hair, very coily, like the ponytails the girls used to wear in the nineties with a little spiral curls

#askswell #naturalhair #4type #coils

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:26
Hey, sis. This is a good topic. Me, I've never been a natural hair Nazi. I understand that sometimes you get to the end of your natural hair journey, and you're ready to go back to relaxing and having straight, silky hair. That's more manageable in a lot of ways. And so, yeah, you know, it kind of stings a little bit when I see people who are natural want to put relaxers in
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:58
And it kind of like straightens your hair out just a little bit, makes it feel, I don't know, less heavy. So it's really good. So you, maybe you can try those things because definitely, I'm definitely finna try Tabitha brown stuff because I'm natural, too. I've been natural for the last 17 years. But I love me a good weaver. Well, not weave a good wig
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:17
But, I mean, I like my hair. I just don't have time to be doing all this stuff. But, um, so I just kind of, like, do extensions, but I'm ready to wear my hair. I'm ready to wear it. Thanks so much
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:22
But I'm gonna have to do something. I need to start wearing my hair and taking better care of it, so I'm definitely gonna pay attention to that. But I thought about getting some of those extensions as my hair type, too, just so that I can wear my hair out until my hair starts to, you know, starts to be a little bit more trained to the products and everything
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 1:07


Hey, Miss KK. I know you're looking for something moisturizer for your natural hair, but I just didn't want to be left out the conversation, so I'm just going to jump on real quick. So I used to have a lot of hair, but I don't anymore. I don't have any natural moisturizers for you, but I want to show you what I tried to do today. So I got these hair fibers because my hairline been struggling, right
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:31
Whether I wanted to, not because I like wine, but, you know, I don't know. And I was like. And he was like, now I got to get the food. I was like, yeah, I don't know what I get. And he was like, oh, that's okay, because I can cook. I bring the chicken salad. I make good chicken salad. Can I go?
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 1:15


I like you better without hair anyway, so I rinsed it out. I don't know what dude was doing with the black lacquer attar on his head. And marshalls. Now I gotta go to the Marshalls at St. Matthews. Cause I'm nosy. Just so I can see. I can see what he look like. I don't know. Sometimes when I'm scrolling on Instagram, there are some, like, black owned businesses that actually have some that have really great reviews and stuff