And I said, how the girl, because her, her director was sitting beside her. I'm like, how is she sitting beside her? And she's pregnant. I was like, I know that's making her sick. And she said that the girl had had some mints and took them out and put them on the table. And she said, but the other girl didn't take any of them. And I was like, you know, you kinda

#work #hygeine #askswell

javon johnson
@motoblanco · 3:02
And for a commercial to be telling me that, look, using that deodorant is better than showering, that takes some brass balls to be telling the public that, look, if you buy my deodorant, you can use it, and it's better than showering. I think that's kind of obnoxious. And hopefully, I just hope nobody out there, you know, it's going to buy into that bullshit that using. Using that all body deodorant is better than showering
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:50
Like, I got a whole paper in the bathroom behind the toilet that tells people what to do, how to wash their hands, and everything else. It's cute, but it's Becker. Um, because as soon as I hire somebody new, I already know who done, who already know who is not clean, because my staff is clean
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 0:14


Okay, I think I've heard enough. Thank you. I'm glad I ate dinner already. Have a good night. Bye
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:12


Well, it's all honesty and it's all true, so we have to keep it real, right?
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:55
So it's really something that I understand when people go to the dental office and they hear the dentist or dental hygienist add on, like, oh, you should really use a water pick, or you should really use a tongue scraper and all of these, and you should really floss in this manner, or you should really brush in this manner using this type of technique
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:54


But I did look at her mouth while she was sitting there, and she had, like, her hand up to her mouth, and I'm kind of like, why couldn't she smell that if she had her hand up to her mouth? You know? Um, it seemed like you would feel it or something. Um, but she had gum the first day, and then she didn't have none