What is your Mask

But the fact of the matter is, even when I'm not okay, I dust myself off and I pick myself back up and I walk with 1ft in front of the other and I start out afresh anew and I don't just sit in my sorrow and said I look for better direction, better ways, better things to make me better

#selfreflection #lifecoaching #fear #growth #commitment

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 3:06


Just things that put me out in the open as somebody who was expected of and to perform. I think I shrunk away from those opportunities, and I look at my life now, it's okay. But I feel like there's so much more I can do in it or have done. And I think I'm a hard worker
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:39


Hey, good day, and thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your feelings, because that means a lot. Because even if you think it's not a mask or I think it's not a mask, if you believe it's a mask, then it's a mask. And as long as you acknowledge it, that means that you're willing to work on it. So kudos to that