The weather is changing are you ready ?

Hey, good evening. Swell and happy Thursday. It's getting ready to storm here. I think we have a tornado watch. So we're in good old Kentucky, where the weather can be 25 one day and 72 the next. But that's just how Kentucky weather is. So I want to know, how's your weather out there? How's everything going your way? Is it raining? Is it cold? Is it hot? What are you planning on doing?

#askswell #wearher #summer #warmerdays #forfun

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:01

It was 66° here today !😃😁

Hey, KK. I don't know if I'm ready or not. I know that here in Chicago it was like 65 degrees today, so it wasn't bad. I mean, that's my perfect weather right there. Anywhere between 65 and 78. Like when it gets to be 80, 90. I'm not going outside because I can't do it. It's just too hot. But I'm ready for rain. I am
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:07
Maybe that's why. Who knows? I just love the warm weather. So yesterday, now we're trending colder for the weekend. Unfortunately, however, what I was blessed with here in North Carolina, Wednesday, Thursday, and today with mid 70 degree weather, matter of fact, I stand correct, incorrect or I correct myself. Let me say that because yesterday it was actually 84 degrees. So my love and I had the opportunity to go do a business transaction together
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:31
It's, hey, this is good. I'm always ready for hot weather. I'm always ready for hot weather. I'm never not ready for hot weather. So these 75, 80 degree days this week here in Virginia have been heaven for me. Heaven. I come alive when the weather gets warm. I do. I come alive. I come alive. Over the years I've started to have a greater appreciation for when winter, but I come alive in the springtime
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:43


Hey, Jl. Happy Saturday. The weather here, it was actually nice, too. It was warm and then now it's a little colder today. But I think that's because, you know, I know it's because we had some tornado weather and it was hot and then a lot of rain. So now it's trying to get warm. But the trees are beautiful. They're starting to bloom and hopefully my allergies going to start acting up. But it's a good time and
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:33
I too am doing a weight loss journey, trying to get back to where I was because now that I got my blood sugars in control and my body has gained weight, just because I'm in control, which is crazy and annoying. And then also with my busy life that I've been leading, I am actually trying to do things now. I was just trying to plan my weekend
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:53


So even when the 45 day program is over, you can then use that same calculation with your new weight at the end of 45 days because you know the formula and continue on the journey. And so, like I said, I went from 188 pounds to I'm currently 145. Sometimes I'll drop down to 143, and then I'll go right back up to 145
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:29
Because people who are insulin dependent diabetics, when their blood sugars are better, that's when the weight there is hard to keep off. But a person who does to maintain as much, like I can go without insulin for a month and lose 30 pounds and eat what I want, but it's the fact of trying to do better that's the downside of it. But we'll do what we can. But thanks so much for responding
Emily Stewart
@dourbat · 1:24
Hey, KK. Yeah. Where I am, the weather. I just traveled. I just traveled because I was just on spring break. So I went down to the valley, which is where I'm from, and there it was kind of hot for me because I'm used to cooler weather. And it was sunny, it was warm, it was very bright from my poor eyeballs. But then I went back up north, which is coastal, and it is freezing. Oh, my goodness