#TellYourStory | An experience with nature that taught me an important lesson...

For my birthday. I actually go somewhere and enjoy the outdoors, and it has been uplifting for me. I went to Gatlinburg on the first trip by myself when I went to the outdoors, and it was amazing. I'll try to see if I can put some pictures on here. But I was able to leave my troubles at the water, so to say. It was very beautiful

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar3 @wordsmith

Tonya Dewhurst
@BeKind2 · 4:57
You. One of the things that I really appreciate about this platform is the number of people who, well, the number of people who post and of the number of people who post, the diverse experiences that we have had and also where we come from as being very diverse. I hear a lot of people today talking about the universe, and they speak as if the universe has a personality like a person would have. And I really don't know what that is. It's completely foreign to me
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 2:22
You can't underestimate the power of nature. Definitely time to time. Many times good experiences, many times bad experiences come in life. But nature is the thing that keeps connected us with this life. We see that people have some kind of problems and the each and everybody is suffering from some or the other problem. But still we are connected with life and nature does this. And nature keeps teaching us many kind of lessons also time to time
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:33
Because I don't know, I just don't do it. There's not really a certain reason other than the fact that I'm just respecting people. But I do have my own ways and I encourage people to have their own ways of thinking of things. But yeah, it's nothing that's really hard. And I never take offense to what people say about anything with religion or spirituality because I don't think that's a subject that should be argued
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:29
I leave whatever I have going on wherever I'm at and I start over again. Life throws us a whole lot of things. And we have to learn that nature provides so much freedom and so much peace if we just let it. If we just let it. But the problem is that sometimes we don't allow that. We have something so simple as the sun, something so simple as the rain that has the ability to change mood. We have something simple, so simple as flowers