Any Madonna fans? Join in

Hey, squill. So I'm sitting here in my car and I'm waiting on my daughter to get off work, and I'm listening to this well, pastor talk about music. And so when he talked about music, it kind of brought back a little thing. And I was thinking about Madonna. So I don't know how many of you are Madonna fans now. She done got older and she's still trying to be young

#fun #music #madonna #singalong

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:17
And I saw in an interview where she said she has to take ice baths and do a lot of things to rehab her body after a performance because she just can't bounce back like she did when she was younger. And that kind of comes with aging. As you age, your body becomes more feeble. You don't quite have that same get up and go that you had in your twenty s. It slows down. But glad to see overall she seems healthy
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:27
Hey, thanks so much for responding. I'm glad that you're a fan. I'm also a Britney Spears fan. You want to laugh at it, to admit it, but I sometimes go through my Britney mode. But yeah, I definitely think that Madonna is trying to hold on. I know she's trying to hold on to her age. You know, aging is beautiful and I think she needs to embrace it