A loved one dies and they question it. And while many of us here throughout life that we're not supposed to question God on things we find ourselves doing, so we have to exercise our minds and be patient with ourselves when it comes to our own understandings. Last night I found myself laying in bed, not being able to sleep

#confessions #askswell

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:31


The clarity is it's okay to move on. And so it took me a while to get there. It really did. It took me a while to get there. But I'm there. You know what I mean? And so when people decide that they want to walk out of my life, bye bye. And when I decide I want to walk people out of my life, bye bye
Dr. Yemaja Jubilee
@Yemaja · 2:05
And after I've told them, I do not answer because I have had sayings in how things are going to be and some things are just not workable. I had a person to contact me recently and wish me a happy birthday and asked me had I forgiven her and that resonated with me. But I also know I had forgiven her. But I also know that I have the right to not involve her in my life anymore because it was not good for my mental, emotional and spiritual health
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:41
Sometimes we don't see it, and then other times, people do come back into our lives sometimes, but sometimes it's not meant for people to come back. And a lot of the times when things happen, we already saw it coming. We're just in denial
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:45
But instead of being down, I could be grateful that it didn't go any further than it did for me to have to deal with a lot more. Because sometimes you'd be amazed at how things how you're shielded from things. God protects you always. Thanks
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:09
Hey, SIS. No, I don't look for closure in any situation. I make peace with it. I make peace with the fact that it's over. I take it to God in prayer, I lay it at his feet, and I walk away. I'm not sitting here waiting for apologies from people that I feel should apologize
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:53
I'll either ignore them like they never existed and I don't know who they are, or either I'll say, I don't want to talk, I don't want to talk. I don't have nothing to do with it. But I do think that sometimes there are some things that I think that we deserve closure for. And I do think there's other things that we're not going to get it no matter how hard we try
@homosanity · 3:17
And in the Bible actually it says that leave your gifts at the altar rather than to leave an argument open leaving somebody angry. I also remember when I was trying to heal my relationship with my dad reading a book Tuesdays by Maury Mitch album said picture people around you 6ft under the ground. Would you have anything that you would regret that you didn't say that you haven't resolved? And so I try to have closure as much as possible as I can because it makes me have peace