Why do we automatically pull down the blinds after first meets

The purpose of pursuing relationship is so that we can find a companion. So why not? If we could talk on the phone with them before the first meet and then after we want to procrastinate. We want to be like oh no, it's too soon. We don't want to feel like we're too thirsty. What is thirsty? If you care for someone and you value them and it clicked well, what is thirsty? That's pursuing and that's the thing we forgot how to pursue

#dating #askswell #limitations #communication

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:32
And it's those things right there that keep you from building meaningful relationship because you're making assumptions about the other person without giving them a chance. Now, this other person may not mind at all that you followed up with a phone call or a text, but you're sitting here wrestling with the idea of doing it because you just know they're going to see you as a stalker, they're going to see you as desperate. And so we let these things get in the way of building relationships
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:17
If we're seeking relationship, we're seeking it for a reason, not because we just want to waste time, but I think different people grow at different times and different phrases. So for me it's like, okay, well, this is my life. This is my dynamics because I have a life right now to where my family, I'm divorced, but I'm very close to my ex husband
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:09
And so guess what? When they choose that lens and they pursue it from a space of lack, that is exactly what they end up with, which is why you have more people that want to buy in or choose to buy in. To the concept of that there's pee in the pool and dating is horrible, and so on and so forth. And then they'll go back and be like, see, I met another person. See, it's horrible
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:23
That's just how I feel. But I will say that in the time that I've dated, even with the relationship with him, with him, I learned that I can love. I can truly love someone and I could want them in my life and not want life without them. But I also learned, too, that I have to have boundaries. Because you can tell a person however much you want to and they can get it, but then they don't get it
Mr. Watson
@TXVoice4Truth · 5:00

#swelltalk #relationships #realtalk #mature #perspective #popularmadness #voiceofreason #considerthis

Like, if a girl posts a picture with her body out there and it's nothing to the imagination, and you like a couple of pictures, all of a sudden you thirsty? No. First of all, men are visual creatures, so we are visual creatures. And that's what you have to understand. So if we see something that's visually stimulating or appealing to us, naturally just being a man, you're going to go after that. You're going to pursue what you see
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:51
Like, who cares what another person is going to think? They ain't in your relationship unless they like a third wheel and you all sharing something. I guess maybe it matters then. But you shouldn't let your friends, your family, nothing get in the way of your relationship, your relationship between you two. So no matter if you care for somebody and it's healthy, don't let nobody come in between that. But you can definitely take advice from other people