I don't know if you ever heard of the old saying that if children are born kitha veil over their face and they're able to see spirits or not. But in the case, my dad was, and he can. So my dad's always been a very spiritual person, able to see spirits. He's able to see things that are there that we can't see. He often hit what they call death bills before someone passed away

#askswell #ghost #spirits #spiritualgifts

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:59
I would say growing up as a child in that house, it just always felt eerie. But I would say now, as a more spiritually mature woman, I'll be like, nah, I ain't afraid of no ghosts. I'm not entertaining no ghosts, but I'm not afraid of them. But I do recognize. You can see and feel. Like you said, you can see a bad spirit. You can feel it. Sometimes you can hear all the senses
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:55
If you notice, I'm taking a break from certain swells or things like that, or I'm just taking a break from the app. It's because it's overwhelmed me, and I can feel everything, and I need to take a break to make sure I can dish it out off of me. And that's the way that I deal with things. But I kind of always been like that. But it came out more when I went through my mom
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:59


Hey, Kitha. Yes. You know, I'm definitely down for a chance to get together and chat about this or other things. We definitely have a lot. We could talk about. One other thing, too. I was going to say about the house we grew up in. I was trying to figure out what happened in that house, and I couldn't track it down. But here's something interesting about the house. Our house was at the end of a dead end street
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 3:46
And this was like, right before, a year before she died or whatever, and she couldn't afford the bills for there. And she needed to move. And then they moved her somewhere because she was pretty much handicapped and couldn't get around like she needed to. And this was from years of destruction. When I grew up, I used to say that house has my mother acting the way that she does. Because it was like her personality, it was so evil at times
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:02


I'm surprised they didn't just tear it down and build a new one, honestly. So the house was beautiful, and I even tried to buy it because I said, I buy it. I would love to buy this house, bring my mother, show her the house and give her the key because she loved that house so much. She was attached to it, right? But I couldn't get it at the time. I wasn't ready to buy a house at that time
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:34


And then my mom's bedroom. Then it was a bathroom. And then you circled around. And then it was another area, which we made the dining room. And then my brother's room was to the right outside of the dining room. But that right there was not really a room. It was kind of just a section. Then upstairs, there was a sitting area. When you first come up, that was a kitchen for my grandparents when they lived with us
LaShekia Chatman
@Sheika_MC · 1:34
But, I mean, the truth of the matter is, spiritual energy is everywhere. We make a conscious choice to recognize these things and experience them, and they sort of make themselves known in multiple ways. And there are some people who are more open or able to see, just like any other ability. I can't ride a bike. It just escapes me. And people have different comfort levels with them and different use that sort of particular skill
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:15


Well, we're in the living room, and I was sitting on the couch, and she was like, mom, you see that man? And I'm just like, what man? She's like, mommy, that man right there. And she was pointing to the steps of where a man was supposed to be sitting, and she was really seeing him there. So I have no doubt that she saw that. But like I said, my daughter can see stuff anyway
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:31
Hey, good evening. Thanks so much for commenting on my post and giving your insight. Please feel free to believe as you wish because nobody has to live your life with you. So please don't ever feel like that. You have to. When you come on, you have to explain. I really appreciate your feedback and insight. And yeah, that was very interesting