Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 5:00

WWE Elimination Chamber 2024-Results!

Hello. Swell hope. Doing absolutely great today. This is your last topic of the WWE. WWE. WWE. WWE. WWE WWE WWE WWE elimination chamber results event happened in Perth, Australia very early yesterday, 05:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. So I did not watch it live. I watched it after my music rehearsal in the afternoon, but I ended up finishing it in the evening anyways, so I have the results for you. I'm using an article for reference from

#WWE. #PLE. #EliminationChamber. #Results

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:50

Part 2!

All right, the next match, the undisputed WWE tag team Championships on the line. Finn Balor and Damien Priest, your undisputed champions, taking on Pete Dunn and Tyler Bate, the one catch Republic. Now, we pretty much knew who was going to win this match because Judgment Day are pretty, they're so dominant, and the one catch Republic are pretty new tag team, so we didn't think they were going to win and they didn't judge and they would get the victory
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:07

Part 3! (The finish.)

Yep, she rolled her up from behind to get the one, two, three as Morgan was coming off of the pinfall. The article says with Morgan not paying attention, lynch got the Manhattan slam on Morgan and she was able to get the victory off of that. So a very good ring awareness by Becky going off right from the roll up. As Liv was still coming out of the roll up, Becky was able to pick her up and deliver the manhandle slam
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Edward Oribhabor
@Edcellent · 5:00

Elimination Chamber delivered beyond expectations!

Tippy time. Tippy time. They knew for sure that she was going to put on a show onto the tag team championship match between the Judgment Day and New Zach Republic. This match. This was probably my least favorite matches of all the ones that took place in the WWE WWE elimination chamber results. Fact that Dirty Dom decided to get involved once again. This time, he got thrown out by the official, but in my opinion, it was too little too late
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:36

@Edcellent. What’s your take on A.J.’s attack on L.A. Knight and Knight’s title future?

So I'm a huge LA Knight fan, and I wanted him to win the chamber and go on to face Seth Rollins, because my dream world right now is to have, excuse me, be your world heavyweight champion and to have Cody Rhodes finish the story and be your undisputed WWE champion. But that's only part of that will be true because LA Knight did not win the chamber. And you can equate some of that responsibility of the outcome on the phenomenal AJ Styles
Edward Oribhabor
@Edcellent · 1:53

@Chief2 Styles attacking Knight was a shocker!

Sooner rather than later, LA Knight is going to be a champion. Whether it's the intercontinental championship or the United States title, he's going to get one of those. I just don't see him being a major championship at this moment in time down the road. If you want to put him in the main event category with regards to him winning the Royal Rumble or competing for a world championship at a premium event, you can absolutely do that
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:55

@Edcellent I see your point, but L.A. does not have much time left, WWE must capitalize on him before it’s to late. He deserves it.

But also, my main point also is not only has he had a hard journey, but also he's in his 40s. He's been doing this a long time. So he may not have a lot of experience with WWE, but he has a lot of experience elsewhere also. In the same vein, because he is in his 40s, he doesn't have 40 in sports. Is like 70 in real life