Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:54

WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ 2024 week 2-results!

Hello. Swell. Hope you're doing fantastic today. Thank you so much for tuning in. This is your last topic on the day. This is WWE NXT Spring breakin week two. The results, all the predictions and results except for this one are currently up on this broadcast. If you'd like to watch them if you've missed some. But yeah, this was a great show. I enjoyed it very much

#WWE. #NXT. #PLE. #SpringBreakin’. #Results

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:56

Part 2!

It was all part of the show, and we got tricked. Ridge the bridge, Holland taking on Sean spears. Oh, I'm, you know, I see. I'm trying to remember these details, but the matches just aren't coming. Some of the major matches I can remember, but some of the kind of just time filler ones I'm having a hard time remembering. Let's read here from the article
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:59

Part 3!

If they want to hurt you, they will have no problem doing it. And they absolutely picked apart and dominated the champs in this match. It looked like the champs were destined to have a very short reign. AOP just had their way. But it was actually the people on the outside of the ring that changed the trajectory of this match