Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 3:45

School Update 5/16/24

So when she was out yesterday, she had us watch a movie on the American Revolution. I didn't see the beginning of it because I was out of the room doing another assignment, and I knew that, you know, we wouldn't have any questions revolving around it. It was just to fill the time. Well, it turns out that my other classmates really loved watching that movie and would like to finish it


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:19
Hey, Zach. Hope you're having a great day, man. Definitely feel like you're getting close to the end of the year. Hope you're doing well and prepping and getting excited. I'm sure you got all sorts of fun summer things planned, like you said last time, but I just wanted to drop a line, say, thinking about you, and I hope you have a great rest of your week and a good weekend