Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 3:39

School Update 5/14/24

Everyone knows that I love that song because every time it comes on in class, whenever it's played it in class, I'm always like, yes, chain gang. So, um, so, I talked about that, and I ended up getting a b on that assignment. So, good stuff. So, after that, we worked on the questions on the anti war movement, reading, and there's a lot of shocking stuff that came from that


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:38
What up, chief? Man, you're almost done with this year. What are you gonna do in the summer when you're not able to provide the school updates? I'm curious, man. But anyway, kudos to you for making the assignments and doing well and just finding that joy in, you know, in school, it's not necessarily easy to find joy and to find enjoyment through schooling and the classes and the topics and everything and the assignments
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 0:42

@dobbsty. When the summertime rolls around, I’m not going anywhere don’t worry!

I've got music content, sports content, and I always find something to talk talk about, even on the slowest of days, music, sports, or just anything in between. So don't worry, I'll still be around to provide you with other content. Have a great day. Peace