Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:26

WWE NXT New Year’s Evil 2024-Results!

Let's see if I can remember this says the finish, so here we go. Carlito hit Damon Kemp with a backstabber, then cruise. Del Toro connected on a 450 splash to win. That's right. I remember that now. But, yeah, what a fantastic match. Ow. With the win. All right, next. Let's see. All right, hold on, folks. We're going to do part two because we're running out of time

#WWE. #NXT. #PLE. #NewYear’sEvil

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 5:00

Part 2!

From 2023, they've had cage matches. They beat the crap out of each other, and this was no exception. They do not like each other at all. And, wow, they really beat up each other in this match. Again, this is another very competitive one that went back and forth. The defining moment in this match was when Tiffany Stratton had control and was trying to be so vicious that she went out to grab a chair
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 3:50

Part 3!

Let's see. He would take on, I don't know if I said this already, but he would take on Grayson Waller in this number one contenders match. Ahead of the match, Shawn Michaels would announce a former NXT champion was very interested in this match. Let's see if I can remember much of the match. I do remember