Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:57

Freestyling Friday’s-week 32!

Like I said, I don't know how well you can hear that, but let's try it on the tom and the snare sound. All right, before I go, let me give you some shakers because you can't have free sound Friday without shaker. Here is the LP. All right, I am actually running out of time, so I'm going to end it there and do the outro. You damage 32. Let me know if you have any comments


Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:40

The brushes oddly don’t change the sound of the cymbal when broadcasted through the mic on my phone, but they do when played on the drums. 🤔

Anyway, just an observation that I had that I wanted to share with you one possible explanation why. And you guys can go ahead and reply if you have any possible explanations to this that you want to add. But I would guess that it'd be something about the sound frequencies between the symbol and the drums. And so I'm guessing that the symbol operates at a much higher frequency. So my microphone has a hard time picking up the change in sound