Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:03

Veggie pasta

But even if you're just looking to cut some cards and just better yourself in that way, but not necessarily like a weight loss thing, but just trying to overall discover better options to put into your body, I would highly suggest veggie pasta. I was skeptical a little bit, but it tastes really good. I would highly recommend it. If any of you out there have tried it, you can let me know what you think

In this swell, I will disscuss a newly Discovered healthy alterative to pasta.

Ana Cristina
@lamepanda1989 · 1:51

#healthyoptions #recommendations #vegan #lowcarb

Hey there, Zachary. My name is Anna, and I wanted to respond to this podcast of yours because I love the idea of veggie pasta up. I have never heard of it, so thank you. Thank you very much for introducing it to me. I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for it. I love pasta, but because of the surgery that I recently had in my stomach, I can no longer eat pasta