Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:35

Improv Songs Saturday-week 45!

Hello, folks. So I accidentally lied. I thought that it was Sunday for some reason, so I was gonna bring in a new Sunday topic, but then I realized when I was writing out the title, it is Saturday, which that's okay too because that means I get to do improv. Improv songs. Saturdayweek 45. I apologize for the mix up. I'll bring in the returning segment tomorrow. Not today

#ImprovSongsSaturday. #MusicalWeekend

Stacy Rush
@S.Kanyiri_speak · 0:41
You. Well, thank you for that, chief, too. That was different. You're very brave to do improv. I like all the different ways that that went out and the different emotions that it pulled out. It reminds me of some of the sound effects in some of the movies. I love movies that have sound effects and special effects, like Star wars and all those types of things, and that's what that reminded me a lot of. So keep on sharing the love