Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:30

Trivia Time-week 19! (With previous answer.)

Hello. Swell. Welcome to your fourth topic on the day. It's Friday, so that means it's trivia time. This is week 19. But first, here is your answer from week 18. Sticking with the science category. I look the science category. It's really cool. The question was, what color is the sunset on Mars? Your choices were red, pink or blue. The correct answer was blue. Alrighty, folks, here is your new question


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:25
Okay, this one I have actually. No, no, no. No clue. I'm gonna maybe say 14. Maybe. Hopefully. Also, I didn't catch trivia time last week, but blue sunsets on Mars is so cool. I want to see that. Thank you so much for doing this, Zach. I can't believe it's week 19. I mean, it's awesome. You're so consistent with it. So cool. Thanks