Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:50

Shuffle Songs Sunday-week 37!

I'm. I'm a huge Harry Potter. Fun. I had to give a woo for Harry Potter. Raise your wands, muggles. Harry Potter is mentioned. Sorry. Had to love Jamaica. Here's the chorus here. It's awesome. It. What's awesome about this song is it's very catchy. You get that chorus in your head and just over and over and it's awesome. So that's all I got to say. It's just an awesome song. Explosion

#ShuffleSongsSunday. #MusicalWeekend

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:50

Part 2!

Alrighty, folks. Part two for shuffle song Sunday, we're listening to whedon starts off fire. Fall out boys. The. The newer version. I love this song. Great rhymes. The people that. The people and events that are mentioned are really great to help paint the picture of what's been happening. Yeah, it's just a great song. Here we go. We're going to continue on with a minute and five left. Onward. Capital change, like rhino