Char M
@charm77 · 1:56

Poetry my passion

It was a way for me to unbottle everything that I bottled up inside and release it to where I would not dwell on it I guess is the word. I don't know. But I have published books on Amazon not only of poetry but like juvenile fantasy and true stories and one of when my dad passed away and there's just different topics that I put there but poetry has always been my first go to genre to write

#poet #selfpublished

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:45
Hey, nice to meet you. Welcome to Swell. I love how you talk about poetry and writing. I can tell that it really is your passion, and I relate to that deeply. I think you will find lots of really cool stuff on swell
Char M
@charm77 · 0:56


It's good to show others what you've been through and show them that you're not alone in it. And that's what I'm hoping to bring with my poems and hopefully to gain from other people's as well. But have a good weekend. Weekend and happy St. Patrick's Day