Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:27

#PoetryMonth | Letter W - Share your favorite poet! Join the AtoZ Poets Challenge

He was an English Romantic poet who, along with the likes of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is credited with launching the Romantic age in English literature with the publication of their joint work Lyrical Ballads

#Poetry #AtoZPoetsChallenge #WilliamWordsworth Share your favorite poet whose name starts with the letter W

Buddah Desmond
@BuddahDesmond · 2:53

#poet #poetry #poetrymonth #AtoZPoetsChallenge #SaulWilliams #She #love #relationships

And also, if you have a chance, check out some of his recordings because he has this very beautiful, unique blend of hip hop and jazz and funk and rock and alternative types of music. It all comes together in a very beautiful and extraordinary way. It was quite progressive, especially when you think about the time when that music was released
Sumran Jot Singh
@Sumranjs · 0:26 @bowie

Hi, all. I pasted a link to the spell of the poem that is very that's one of my favorite from William wordsworth. I hope you check it out. And this is in honor of the A to Z Poets challenge and as well as in honor of the letter W. Thank you