phil spade
@PhilĀ Ā·Ā 1:43

#PoetryMonth | Letter N - Share your favorite poet! Join the AtoZ Poets Challenge

Share your favorite poet with the letter N. Please share the name of the poet, recite your favorite lines or short poem from the poet and share a picture if you can look forward to hearing everybody's favorites as we celebrate here on Swell

#Poetry #AtoZPoetsChallenge #PabloNeruda Share your favorite poet whose name starts with the letter N

Buddah Desmond
@BuddahDesmondĀ Ā·Ā 2:19

#poet #poetry #poetrymonth #AtoZPoetsChallenge #NikkiGiovanni #ItsJustLove #MakeMeRain

And whenever she did write in a way that provided commentary on things that were happening both socially, culturally or politically, it could be quite searing and jolting. But she was usually quite on point again, and like Maya Angelo, a truth teller, deeply rooted in the black experience. But again, her writing is indicative of things that we all experience, things that are indicative of the human experience quite relevant, you know, no matter where we are in in our space and in our time